How to Let Go of the Past

Whether you are harboring trauma or pain from your childhood or have unresolved conflicts from the past, letting go of these imprints on your nervous system can be challenging.  


Whatever you are dealing with, there are ways to address the lingering effects of past experiences which might include practicing self-compassion or mindfulness or even seeking out therapy to explore these unresolved feelings.  


Let’s discuss how to let go of past trauma and hurt so you can move forward and heal.  

Why Is it So Hard to Let Go?  


Life experiences affect people in many different ways. While some people find it simple to move on from challenging situations, others discover that these difficulties have a long-lasting effect on their mental health.


Those who have trouble letting go of particular past experiences frequently have usually suffered from significant trauma, such as loss, severe embarrassment, or pain It's likely that the painful incident has occurred repeatedly in their ancestry, reactivating trauma reactions stored in their DNA.


Trauma can affect anyone and the distress  

it causes can change how people think.  


Humans frequently cling to the past for additional reasons as well. They could long for pleasant memories of the past or obsess over what happened in the past out of an unconscious attempt to protect themselves from future pain.

 The Art of Letting Go  


While it may not be easy, moving on is absolutely possible. People achieve more than they thought possible every day. Try some of these tips to begin moving on from troubling memories like past mistakes or regrets.  


#1. Make a Commitment  


The first step toward letting go is committing to making a change. Once you decide to let go, it can be profoundly empowering. Jot down sticky notes to remind yourself of this commitment and hang them in places such as your bathroom mirror, bedside table, car dashboard, or refrigerator. 


Let go > Making Forgiveness a Part of Your Life 


#2. Feel Your Feelings  


Past experiences can evoke a wide range of complicated and potent emotions. Allow yourself to feel these feelings without trying to fight or fix them.  


This can be difficult, so it might help to try expressing your sensations and emotions in a journal, with a trusted friend, or with a therapist.  


#3. Take Responsibility  


It can be beneficial to accept responsibility for your part in an incident if you are feeling guilty, embarrassed, or shameful about the past. This doesn’t mean you are blaming yourself for what happened. However, acknowledging what happened and taking ownership of your past actions can help you let go and heal.  


This can be hard to do on your own in many circumstances, which is why I recommend working with an Emotional Polarity Technique™ therapist who can walk you through affirmations and forgiveness statements to confront your pain. 



#4. Practice Mindfulness  


Mindfulness is a skill that encourages you to focus on what is happening in the here and now. This can help you if you often find your mind retreating to the past or worrying about the future.  


People who practice mindfulness are more likely  

to be more compassionate towards themselves.  


Ways to practice mindfulness include: 


  • Noticing the small joys in life like the taste of your favorite ice cream or the warmth of the sun on your face- keeping a daily gratitude journal can do wonders 

  • Spending time in nature

  • Engaging in creative hobbies such as drawing, painting, or playing an instrument 

  • Meditating 


Try this beginner mindfulness meditation: 


  1. Sit in a place that is calm and uncluttered.

  2. Close your eyes and inhale deeply multiple times.

  3. Put all of your attention into breathing in and out.

  4. Let any memories arise for a moment, then redirect your attention back to breathing.


You could find it useful to see your former thoughts drifting away, or you might choose to repeat a word that brings you back to the present. Inhale, exhale, and relax.


#5. Practice Self-Compassion  


Self-compassion entails being compassionate, forgiving, and caring toward oneself. Alter your inner dialogue to do this. As your thoughts start to turn judgmental, be aware of them and change them to something more understanding.


A self-compassion journal can be a great way to practice this skill.  


Practicing self-compassion > Stop Believing these 3 Self-Love Myths  


#6. Be Open to Forgiveness  


Forgiveness can be a hard topic for people who have experienced wrongdoing like betrayal, abuse, or injustice. Yet, forgiving someone does not imply that you are endorsing their negative behavior or even accepting their apology.


Instead, forgiving entails acknowledging that the other person's acts were harmful while letting go of the resentment you’re holding onto for your own psychological and physical well-being.


It can take time to forgive others or even forgive yourself. But once you do, you will feel profound relief.  

 Affirmations for Letting Go 


If you are having trouble letting go, try repeating these affirmations to yourself: 


I am doing my best 

I can forgive  

I am ready to move on  

I am brave and confident 

I am choosing to let go 

I don’t waste my time focusing on the past 

I’m not looking back, only forward 

I am leaving the past in the past 

Without hesitation, I am moving forward 

Learn to Let Go 


If you need help moving forward from thoughts and feelings from the past, the Emotional Polarity Technique™ can help! Through energy healing and the power of forgiveness, you will learn to let go of what’s holding you back, ultimately designing a life that is free from the ties that are binding to a painful past.  


If you are ready to let go and move forward, schedule an EPT™ consultation with me, Paige Cargioli, today! 


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