Find Joy in Your Everyday Life

Do you ever feel like it's impossible to be joyful, especially when things are tough? Whatever "joy" means to you, it can be channeled in unexpected ways, even under tough circumstances!

Here are some of my favorite ways to incorporate a little more joy into your daily life. We all need it right now!  


Stop Waiting to Be Happy  

There are numerous opportunities to be happy throughout the day, we just have to shift our focus to notice and appreciate them. No matter what is happening around you, you may improve your mood, attract success, increase your productivity, and even have fun!

Get your shift together. When you shift your focus and your thought process, you can change your perspective. When an emotional and mindset shift happens, you can truly change your life.  


Are self-limiting thoughts holding you back from experiencing joy? Make this year the year that you move forward, achieve success, and find true happiness. Let’s chat!   



Stay In the Present  

If you are feeling overwhelmed with life, the secret to finding joy is to take it one day at a time. Stop being anxious about the future and all of its unknowns. At my practice, people may (or may not) see how their experience of the past is impacting their present. With EPT, you can heal past pains and begin to practice focusing on the present.  


There are so many moments when we can experience that spark of joy. Sitting on a porch stoop enjoying the fresh air. Play a favorite song on repeat. Buy a bouquet of flowers just because. Walking your dog. Talking to a friend. When we take time each day to do fulfilling things, whether big or small, finding joy every day becomes more natural.  


Make Self-Care Part of Your Routine 

Hitting the reset button is KEY to happiness and joy. One of the best ways to let that self-care time shine is to make sure that you aren’t stressing about your long list of to-do’s or what to make for dinner. Get these things sorted before taking your “me time” so you can truly relax and get the rest and relaxation that you need.  


Take care of yourself: Why Holistic Self-Care is Important for Your Wellbeing 


Unleash Your Inner Child 

We tend to lose touch with our inner child, our capacity for silliness, and our capacity for pleasure as we become older. Enjoy yourself fully by letting go of the rigidity that comes with growing up. Life is too short not to enjoy ourselves!


Indulge the Five Senses 

Everything we see, smell, taste, touch, and hear has a big impact on our mood and mental health. Experiencing something beautiful like a sunrise or sunset, you may notice instantly feeling a jolt of excitement and joy. Anything that you do to awaken your senses can give you a feeling of joy in everyday moments.  


Surround Yourself With Positive People  

Happiness is an individual choice, but often our choices are influenced by the people in our lives. If you are surrounded by toxic people, change your influencers for the better. Set boundaries to increase your future happiness and success.  


Spend time with those who make you feel amazing. It’s one of the most important choices you can make for your happiness.  

If you’re ready to ditch the toxicity in your life, heal the pain, and rise from the ashes--make an appointment to feel the difference of EPT holistic therapy!  



Appreciate the Small Things 

Our culture celebrates big accomplishments, but what would happen if you take those small moments that often go unnoticed or unappreciated and celebrate them? While we wait for the next big thing, real life is going on, yet in reality, it's these little moments that matter the most.


Limit Your Screen Time  

These days, we are always plugged in, whether it is to our phone, the TV, or a computer. Watching too many television episodes or movies could make us wish we were living the life we see onscreen, and for some people, social media can quickly become a poisonous or overwhelming element of life.


Redirect your focus elsewhere. Go for a walk or bike ride, cook dinner, clean the house, or read a book. Find joy in those moments that were formerly taken up by distractions from your phone or TV. Love the life you have, not the ones you see online!  


Feel happier: Boost Your Mood with Behavioral Activation!  


Learn to Let Go  

It can be a challenge to release the pain of the past that holds you back, but you may discover that by forgiving and letting go of it, you’ll experience more joy in your life. If you are unhappy or struggling, it is ok to change directions, leave a job, end a relationship, or even just say no more often.  


Parts of your life that you thought were vital, might actually be holding you back. If it no longer serves you, allow yourself to embrace new adventures and the joys in life that are yet to come.  


Find Joy With Emotional Polarity Technique  

Don’t let fear, pain, relationships, or anxiety hold you back from the joy your life has to offer. You CAN find joy again. Learn to let go with Emotional Polarity Technique™

Let’s talk. Find the root of your pain and feel better and find joy with EPT. Schedule a consultation with me today!  


Tons Of EPT™ Resources


How to Heal a Broken Heart