Stop Believing These 3 Myths About Self-Love

It's time to start loving who you are.

People frequently aren't willing to show themselves the same love that they are willing to show others. Many people don't realize that their biggest source of love is within; instead, they search outside of themselves for love or for someone to "complete" them.

There is a lot of misunderstanding about self-love, which makes the matter worse. It can be challenging to comprehend it, and trying to live a more self-compassionate life can be quite challenging.

I believe that to embrace self-love, there are three myths that you first have to break through. Keep reading to learn what they are.  

Myths About Self-Love 

To start your self-love journey, here are the three biggest roadblocks that you need to work around first.  

#1. You Think it Makes You Selfish or Narcissistic  

This is most likely what prevents people from loving themselves, especially women. Women are socially conditioned to always be kind and helpful, which causes us to frequently prioritize the needs of others over our own. If we don't, we believe we are being selfish or worry that others will think the same of us.

This couldn’t be further from the truth. Self-love doesn’t diminish the interests or needs of others, but it does have our best interests in mind. It should never be confused with being selfish.    

Self-love means that instead of putting ourselves last, we take our needs and feelings as seriously as the needs of others.   

You run the risk of burning out if you consistently prioritize the needs of others before your own. You must first fill your own cup in order to be there for others. Not to mention that taking care of everyone else's needs at once can frequently result in people taking you for granted. You might come to hate them for it. Bottom line: The best present you can give your loved ones is self-care.

Remember, service to others doesn’t have to mean sacrifice. 

#2. Self-Love Might Lead to Self-Indulgence 

Overachievers and perfectionists who see things in black and white may worry about this frequently. They fear that if they give themselves a little leeway, their motivation to succeed would wane. This might be the beginning of a life of regret and failure.

Perfectionists who have obsessive thinking may overextend themselves, take on too much, or become stuck in their ways. In the end, this causes burnout since they have a very difficult time taking a break or resting.

If this sounds like you, self-compassion has your best interests in mind. It won’t let you off the hook or allow you to over-commit or spread yourself too thin.

Self-love will remind you to take a break when you need it, even if you haven’t completed all tasks on your to-do list.    

#3. Self-Love Makes You Soft or Lazy, So You are Hard on Yourself 

You might believe that you need to be hard on yourself to stay motivated or be productive. This flawed reasoning enables us to believe that if we are critical of ourselves, we will be motivated to grow, overcome our faults, and avoid making the same mistakes. On the other hand, this reinforces the belief that being kind and patient with ourselves will lead to a life of mediocrity.

Harsh self-criticism, shame, or guilt may be effective as a motivational tool for a short while, but it is NOT long-lasting. Over time, it can significantly lower our happiness and harm our sense of self-worth.

Self-compassion increases self-confidence, self-motivation, and overall well-being while self-criticism lowers these traits.


Self-love is incredibly motivating.  

Remember this: there is no self-improvement without self-love. Plus, your life will be much more fun and enjoyable when you stop beating yourself up mentally and emotionally.  


Once you move past these self-imposed limitations about self-love, you can move towards more self-acceptance instead of worrying that you are selfish for taking care of yourself.  

You might have to defy convention and confront people who hold different opinions. Be willing to battle for it. Don't worry, though; it's Really worthwhile.

Accept who you are and where you are on your journey because once you do, you’ll be able to give yourself the love that you have always craved from others. The biggest source of love you could possibly need is already within you; you are enough.

Move Forward with EPT 

If self-limiting thoughts are holding you back from truly loving yourself, you are in the right place! With Emotional Polarity Technique, I will teach you to forgive and let go of the trauma from your past so you can feel the profound relief that comes from forgiveness and self-compassion.  

Ready to move forward? Schedule a consultation with me, Paige Cargioli today and start your journey to healing.  


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