Myths About Therapy

You might have heard people say over the years that holistic therapy doesn’t work or that it’s a waste of time, well you know what... they’re WRONG! There are so many common misconceptions about therapy in general, which is sad because sometimes the people who really need to talk with someone avoid it because they are worried that it won’t work, or that others will think about them differently because they are seeking help from therapy.  


Have you ever had these thoughts about therapy? 


  • I can fix the problem that I am dealing with myself.  

  • Therapy just isn’t for me.  

  • Therapy is only meant for people who have serious mental health issues.  

  • Therapy doesn’t work. 

  • Talking about my problems with someone else isn’t going to help me. 

  • Once I start, I’ll have to go to therapy forever. I don’t have that kind of time.  

  • If I go to therapy, people will think I’m crazy. 



While many people have these same thoughts rattling around in their heads, they simply aren’t true! The worst part? Some of these people could really use my help and these misconceptions are preventing them from living their lives in a positive and fulfilling way!  


So What Exactly is Therapy? 


Therapy is actually a proven process that will teach you how your mind works so that you can build better behaviors, navigate your feelings, deal with past trauma, and help change your thought processes so you can ultimately live the kind of life that you want.  


At Open Heart Holistic Therapy, I use Emotional Polarity Technique™ (EPT) which uses the science of forgiveness to resolve adversity in life that causes sickness, chronic pain, and difficult relationships. The result of learning how to forgive is profound, empowering relief, a healthier life, and a better world.  


As therapists, we are here to help. Not drain your bank account. We teach you the skills that you need to build emotional resilience so you can leave therapy and manage your thoughts and feelings on your own. Think of therapy as a high-value investment in yourself!  


Now, let’s dispel some of these misconceptions about therapy, shall we?  


Myth:  I don’t need therapy–I can fix it on my own. 


No one on planet Earth is immune to stress, anxiety, overwhelm, sadness, or depression. It’s all part of the human experience. Sometimes, we believe that we were able to work these issues out on our own, but someone else ALWAYS helps us realize what we need to do—therapist, friend, family, or partner. But the fact is that once these issues start becoming a part of our everyday lives, these problems can manifest in our bodies in physical and emotional ways like pain, stomach upset, relationship problems, etc.  


Sometimes there’s just not an easy fix. Sometimes you need help, and there are professionals to help you. Therapy is the fastest and most effective way to overcome the emotional or behavioral issues that keep you from living a healthy, happy life!  


Myth: Therapy is only for people with serious mental health issues. 


Obviously many people do go to therapy because they need help for a severe mental issue, but we can help treat other issues and help build positive mental habits too! If you have past trauma holding you back, or if you are experiencing any new anxieties or issues, EPT can help! Big or small issues, everyone needs help sometimes. Therapy is for everybody. Period.  


Related: Signs It’s Time To Consider Therapy  


Myth: Therapy Doesn’t Work  


Unfortunately, therapy has gotten a bad rap. Many people wrongly think that therapy only works for those who have severe mental health issues. Or maybe, they tried talk therapy once and had a bad experience.  


Here’s the thing, it’s easy to say that all therapy is useless. The truth is, therapy works. It has been proven to help alleviate and treat anxiety, depression, OCD, and so much more! With EPT, we find the root of your pain and help you to let it go with the power of forgiveness. It’s amazing how well holistic therapy can work for you. 


If you feel like you haven’t been heard in traditional talk therapy, give EPT a try! This holistic approach to healing can help you work through whatever you might be dealing with both physically and emotionally. Resolve unresolved conflicts in your life with the science of forgiveness. 


Myth: Therapy is A Waste of Time 


I like to tell my clients that my office is a safe space to be at peace and process through their emotions. I’m not just here to make them feel heard, with EPT™ the client and I collaborate to find the repeating old unresolved issue in their life that’s hurting them now. Then, we move forward by walking them through forgiveness statements and positive affirmations to help them let go and reach their therapeutic goals. This is definitely not a waste of time. Taking time for self-improvement and self-care is never a waste of time!  


The best part? Once you have moved on with the power of forgiveness, you will be set up to practice the important skills we discuss in therapy for the rest of your life!  


Myth: Once you start therapy, you’ll have to go forever. 


As much as I love my clients, our time together does come to an end. Through 8 sessions we work on the set goals for our time together, and many clients find they are in a completely different place by the end. Some want to grow more, and some will wait until they come up against a new obstacle to return. With EPT™, I’m often astounded at how quickly my clients feel better. Sometimes in just ONE session.  The effects of forgiveness last forever. Therapy should always have a goal. When this goal is met, it’s time to move forward without therapy -- which isn’t to say that I won't be here if you need help in the future too. You never know when the unexpected may happen.  


Therapy is powerful and can set you up for a lifetime of happiness, health, and success!  


I’m Paige Cargioli, Holistic Healing Practitioner, and I want to help YOU move forward in your life with EPT therapy! Find the root of your pain. Let it go with forgiveness therapy; appointments can be in person or via video/phone chat. Call Open Heart Holistic Therapy for your free 30-minute conversation today! 


How EPT™ Therapy Can Strengthen Your Relationship 


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