Looking for intake forms?
What’s in the intake?
Basic Intake
Whether you complete the intake online or in person on paper, this is the place where we start to make the plan. What are your concerns? What are your hopes? How long have you had the problem? Do you know what caused it? Be as long or short as you want, we’re going to go there. And of course, there’s also informed consent and the cancelation policy.
Resiliency Score
Chances are that if you found me, then you have a high resiliency. But even if you don’t that doesn’t mean you can heal or feel better. This 14 question test is used to see what your perspective is on your past and current life. The higher your resilience, the faster you forgive and heal!
ACE Score
ACE stands for Adverse Childhood Experiences, and it’s was a long research study conducted by the CDC. Only 10 questions, the results are that the more childhood trauma you experience, the more emotional AND physical problems will manifest. Let it go and forgive, so your health can be where you want it to be. EPT will heal the root so you can be free.