What to Know About Energy Healing

Energy healing is a holistic practice that effectively activates the body’s subtle energy to move forward from past trauma and other mental blocks, stimulating the body’s inherent ability to heal itself. It is a practice that I use when working with the Emotional Polarity Technique


I know that energy healing can be hard to get your head around, so here are four facts that can clear up any confusion that you may have! 

Fact #1: Energy Healing Is Thousands of Years Old  


In Japan, Reiki has been used as a traditional method of energy healing since the early 20th century. Ancient Hindu literature was the first to provide a description of the seven chakras, which are thought to be the body's energy transmission centers. Acupuncture was also created by traditional Chinese medicine practitioners using meridians, the body's energy thoroughfares.


These ancient societies employed various techniques to promote the body's natural capacity for healing, but they all understood the vast potential of internal energy.


Fact #2: Energy Healing is Based on Science 


Think back to high school psychics and you might remember that matter is made up of molecules that constantly vibrate. Humans vibrate too.  


When you meet someone and say that they have “good vibes,” you are describing their vibrational energy.  


Happy people have a  
higher vibrational energy.  


Places also have a vibe For example, the beach has a light vibe due to circulating air and salt, and it vibrates at a higher frequency than other areas. What kind of vibrational energy do you think the mountains would have? Or a field during a thunderstorm?  

Fact #3: Everyone Can Benefit from Energy Healing 


The best thing about energy healing is that you don't need to fully understand it before trying it. The only requirement to get started is that you have an open mind.  


If you are stressed, emotionally drained, or anxious, energy healing at Open Heart Holistic Therapy can help you relax and feel more balanced. I take it a step further and employ the healing power of forgiveness, which in turn will help you feel profound relief from what is plaguing you.  

Fact #4: There Are Many Types of Energy Healing Modalities  


You might come across other energy healing modalities such as: 


  • Acupuncture: This technique stimulates the body's natural energy flow using tiny needles.

  • Reflexology: With the help of pressure points on the hands, feet, and ears, this type of energy healing releases blocked energy and aids in the healing process.

  • Massage: This therapy releases tension in the muscles, encourages the flow of lymph in the body, and promotes deep relaxation.  

  • Sound Healing: This healing method encourages a sense of balance and profound rest in the body using sound waves, which are also vibrational.

  • Emotional Polarity Technique™: EPT™ is an innovative holistic therapy that merges energy healing with forgiveness to help you move forward and grow into the person you want to be.  


Learn More About EPT™ > EPT™ Resources  

Try Energy Healing Today  


All you need to get started on your energy healing journey is curiosity and willingness to learn. If you are ready to give energy healing and EPT™ a try, schedule a 30-minute consultation with me, Paige Cargioli, and I will help you start your path to healing!  


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