Boost Your Mood With Behavioral Activation

Have you ever had a day that started off bad in the morning, continued to get worse, and ended just as badly? We’ve all been there. Days like these are rough.  


The good news is that external triggers aside, YOU have the power to turn your mood around, even when something bad happens. How? With Behavioral Activation! Basically, Behavioral Activation is a coping strategy that can have an amazing impact on your mood. Intrigued? Keep scrolling to delve a little deeper... 


Behavioral Activation in Daily Life 


When you’re having a bad day, or are feeling depressed or anxious, you might be less likely to do the things you enjoy. Of course, by doing so, you might worsen your mood, feel more detached from friends and family, and see an increase in your anxiety.  


Your behaviors can directly affect your mood. But, you can choose to use positive, rewarding activities to help you feel better. Here’s an example:  


You feel a little depressed when you wake up, so you stay in bed for a while and browse Instagram before binge-watching a Netflix series. You don't take a shower, ignore your friends’ texts, and get takeaway for supper. You start to reflect as the sun sets, "Wow, I squandered that day. I’m still in my pajamas. I feel worse than I did this morning!



Now let’s try this again: 


You wake up feeling a little down, so you stay in bed for a little bit, check on Instagram, and begin watching something on Netflix. Your best friend calls and asks you if you want to run some errands with her. You agree, even though you aren’t feeling your best, and get showered and dressed. You meet up with your friend, run some errands, and get a coffee. You decide to stop at the gym on the way home, and since you are motivated from exercising, you make a nice dinner and sit outside on the patio as you eat.  


See the difference? By making just a few specific choices, you can end up boosting your mood and having a better day. 


An Effective Way to Combat Depression 


One of the best methods to treat depression is behavioral activation. These "learned behaviors" might take the form of avoidance, withdrawal, and unfavorable thoughts, all of which are modifiable.


Engaging in fewer positive experiences may cause you to have more depressive thoughts and feelings which in turn will lead to more avoidance and suffering. It’s a vicious cycle. Even if you are unhappy and feeling unmotivated, incorporating new behaviors and thought techniques can add more positivity to your day.  


Make Positive Changes in Your Life 


Try behavioral activation, and set a few precise goals for the coming week. Then, increase the activities that are positively rewarding as you strive toward them. Start small by doing the dishes, taking a walk in the sunshine, or making a call to a friend to catch up. These kinds of actions can significantly improve your life and mental health.


When you feel better, you do enjoyable activities, spend more time with those you love, and take on new challenges and tasks. These behaviors continue to give your brain positive feedback. Why? Because: 


  • Doing things that you enjoy gives you feelings of pleasure.  

  • Challenging yourself means that you can grow and develop.  

  • Engaging in positive relationships with others helps you feel valued and connected.  


Finding it hard to make positive changes in your life? EPT can help alleviate depression and anxiety so you can live a happier life. Call ohht today for a  free consultation: 813-922-8768. I’d be happy to chat with you! 


It’s All About Choices 

In the end, you can discover how to make decisions that will improve your daily life. Using coping mechanisms to stop the perpetuation of negative emotions like sadness, anxiety, or rage is the aim of behavioral activation.

When you start,  

  • Ask a friend or family member to help motivate you to take action.  

  • Create a shortlist of coping skills that you can readily read, so you aren’t grasping for an idea when you are experiencing a low mood.  

  • Give yourself credit for the small steps and changes that you are taking to improve your life. 

  • Forgive yourself if you just can’t get activated today. There is always tomorrow to try again!  



Move Forward with Positive Actions 


If you are struggling with negative depressive thoughts and behaviors, or chronic anxiety, I can help! Emotional Polarity Technique gets to the root of your depression or anxiety. At our South Tampa wellness center, I use forgiveness to resolve past issues that can cause chronic illness/pain, emotional struggles, and toxic relationships.  


Ready to move forward and live a more fulfilled and positive life, schedule a consultation with me, Paige Cargioli, at Open Heart Holistic Therapy!  


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