How to Heal a Broken Heart

Split up. Separated. Divorce. These words carry a heavy burden and have the power to hurt, especially the heart.


A broken heart weighs heavily on the mind and can cause pain and despair, yet the great thing is that it can mend. There is hope if you are dealing with a broken heart. Just remember, you are resilient. You aren’t alone.  


Here is my best advice to help mend your broken heart… 


Remember: You Are NOT Broken 

When dealing with a broken heart, everyone responds differently. Some people come to me for EPT saying they’ve experienced a decrease in appetite, inability to sleep or concentrate, and even anxiety about the future. Often these responses are also rooted in the past – thoughts/feelings of abandonment from past relationships, parents and other family members, and even friends.  


While a broken heart is probably one of the most painful experiences you’ll go through in your life, there are ways to mend and move forward. But just remember, there is no socially established mourning process for the end of a relationship. Take the time you need.  


I know that a breakup or divorce can be devastating, and the heartache that comes along with it can feel like it will never end. I’m here to help you find the root of the pain and help you heal holistically for your future relationships – including a better one with yourself. If you’re ready, let’s chat.  


Emotional Healing after a Broken Heart 

Focus On You 

“But, Paige, he/she was the one! I'm crushed. I’m lost without them. How will I ever move forward? ” Well, the secret is to choose to prioritize your happiness. What brought you joy before the relationship?  

Be intentional about planning positive and engaging activities for yourself that you enjoy. Make plans with friends or family, volunteer with a favorite charity, increase your self-care activities, or exercise. By keeping yourself busy and your mind engaged, you will notice an improved mood and decreased loneliness. 


Recognize that healing is a process, and be mindful of self-talk. Try to stay rooted in the present moment, and practice gratitude.  


Focus on you. Move past your heartbreak and learn to let go of the past with forgiveness therapy. Appointments can be in person or via video/phone chat. Call Open Heart Holistic Therapy for your free 30-minute conversation today!  


Don’t Repress Your Emotions 

Feeling heartache is a part of the process, and there is no shame in letting your body, mind, and soul experience the sadness that it needs to in order to feel happy again. 


While you might feel like curling into a ball in your bed, talking about the breakup with a friend, family member, or therapist can be cathartic. Plus, getting an outside perspective can help you heal. Since friends and family can be biased, seeking out a holistic therapist (like me) can provide you with a soundboard and actionable solutions on how to move past the pain.  


If you don’t feel like talking, writing is another great way to get out whatever you are holding in-- 

Say what you need to say. Get it all out.  

  • Write about what you hate!  

  • Write about what you love! 

  • Write what you wish you could say.  

  • Write what you wish would have been different.  

  • Write a eulogy.  

  • Write what you are grateful for. 


You are here to be loved: Stop Earning Love  

You feel your heart is broken because of the love you felt. The only way to avoid a broken heart is to avoid love.  


Spend Time With Friends and Family 

When you have a broken heart, just like when you are sick, take time for yourself and care for yourself. If you have someone to help you, have them help care for you. We do not have to bear the burden of brokenness alone. So when you take that break for your heart, make sure you have someone to lean on.  


Your feelings of loneliness might be magnified during a breakup, so fill your free time by spending it with friends and family. This will help remind you that you are loved and have support in your life, even when you don’t feel like you do.  


Allow Yourself to Feel  

Allow yourself to cry, scream, be angry, or be sad. Give yourself permission to express your emotions. Don’t repress them, as they will eventually bubble up and be released later, maybe at the most inopportune time.  


You aren’t unworthy of love—just need some help. EPT™ therapy helps to let go of past trauma so you can move forward and enjoy healthy long-lasting relationships. Let it go. Call 813-922-8768 or schedule a consultation with me, Paige Cargioli, today! 


Give Yourself Time 

When a relationship ends, you have to give yourself time to process your emotions. While you might feel like you must immediately go back to life as normal, and carry on with life’s responsibilities, it is beneficial to give yourself time and space to recover.  


Spending some time reflecting on the experience can help you cope and make sure you can truly emotionally move on. Write it out in a journal, or talk to a friend or professional therapist. Regardless of how you work it out, give yourself adequate time to “bounce back” from the breakup. It’s an essential step. 

Breaks can come in many ways.  

  • Maybe you need to stay home.  

  • Maybe you need to change jobs. 

  • Maybe you need to move.  

  • Maybe you need to go on vacation.  

Whatever it is that helps you process the heartache and recharge. DO IT. If you don’t then it could physically manifest in pain, IBS, or other autoimmune and physical issues. People die of broken hearts every day. 


You can read more about how I help people heal physical issues with emotions here.  


Taking time to process is the most important thing you can do to help heal a broken heart. It doesn’t have to be with you forever.  


Heal with Open Heart Holistic Therapy  

Let go of your heartache, learn how to forgive, and move towards healing with Open Heart Holistic. Many broken hearts heal with time, but many remain open wounds and are never fully processed. At ohht with the holistic therapy Emotional Polarity Technique™, we guide you through forgiveness statements and affirmations to mend what was broken. Even though it is still painful, and may at times feel like it will never end, EPT™ helps it heal faster by letting go of old emotions and bringing in new ways of loving and creating. With EPT, you will feel profound, empowering relief. 

If you are still suffering from a broken heart long past, or compounded broken hearts, consider trying this incredible therapeutic modality. At ohht we offer a free 30 minute consultation and a discounted 90 minute first session. If you don’t feel the difference in one session, you can have your money back.  

What are you waiting for? 


Here are some statements to help heal your broken heart.  

  • I forgive myself for believing I’m broken. 

  • I forgive myself for believing it’s my fault.  

  • I forgive myself for believing I deserve a broken heart.  

  • I forgive myself for believing I’ll never heal this broken heart.  

  • I forgive my partner for breaking my heart.  

  • I forgive others for being an example of how not to heal a broken heart.  

  • I give others permission to forgive me for blaming them for my anger or sadness.  

  • I give others permission to forgive me when I break their heart.  

  • I love and accept myself even when I’m afraid my heart will never heal.  

  • I love and accept myself even when I’m afraid I’ll never get revenge for my broken heart.  

  • I love and accept myself with a broken heart.  

  • I give myself permission to accept my heart can heal.  

  • I give myself permission to feel all the heartache and I release it from my body, mind, and spirit.  

  • I give myself permission to rest. 

  • Without this broken heart, I am free to be loving, forgiving, and more creative in my relationships.  

  • Without this broken heart, I am free to embrace love confidently again.  


Find Joy in Your Everyday Life


Honor Your Past For Freedom In A Better Future