Do I Need Therapy? Signs it's Time to Talk it Out 

If you’re feeling overwhelmed, uncertain, or like something is “off” in your life, it may be time to consider talking to a therapist. Therapy can help you process difficult emotions and gain insight into yourself so that you can make meaningful changes.  


Even if traditional therapy is intimidating to you, there are plenty of other holistic healing options available to explore like the Emotional Polarity Technique!™ 


Wondering if therapy is right for you? Here are some of the signs it’s time to talk it out.  

Why Therapy?  


Let's break the myth: You don’t have to have a mental condition to talk with a therapist, nor do you have to be in a crisis. Therapy can benefit anyone, and you shouldn’t feel afraid to speak with a professional. You deserve to heal & move forward.  



Going to therapy doesn’t  

mean you’re broken.  



Talking to someone you trust can help improve the symptoms of many mental health conditions and help people cope when they are going through challenging times. 


People decide to seek help from a therapist for anxiety, depression, relationship issues, and more. But who do you know if you need help?  


Are you finding it hard to enjoy your daily life?  

Have you asked yourself if you have anxiety or ADHD?  

Are you struggling with something and don’t know how to cope?  

Do you have lasting trauma from childhood that is affecting your relationships?  


Asking questions like these is a great place to start to help you decide if it is time to seek counseling.  

Signs It’s Time to Talk it Out  


Here are some signs that it may be time to book an appointment to speak with a holistic therapist


  • Feeling overwhelmed 

  • Terrible sleep 

  • Feeling less social 

  • Increased anxious thoughts 

  • Emotions out of whack  

  • Issues at work or school 

  • Changes to your eating 

  • Grief or Trauma  



#1. You’re Overwhelmed  


We can all relate to the stress of having too many duties to complete at home, at work, or in school.


People who are stressed: 


  • Have a harder time concentrating 

  • Feel more fatigued 

  • Experience short-term memory issues  


Getting help allows you to address the many different causes of stress and feelings of overwhelm such as anxiety, trauma, and relationship issues so you can feel more at peace.  


#2. You are Experiencing Irregular Sleeping Habits 


If you are experiencing mental health issues, you might find it harder to get good sleep.  


Sleep and mental wellness go hand in hand.


Irregular sleeping habits are especially common in people experiencing anxiety, depression, and ADHD. You can handle the problems that might be preventing you from sleeping with the help of therapy.


#3. You’re Avoiding Social Interactions 


There may be an underlying cause if you find yourself retreating from friends, isolating yourself, or putting distance between yourself and your significant other. Stress, anxiety, and poor sleep can all play a role.  


Socially isolated people are more prone to experience health issues like depression or chronic pain, to be less active, and to eat less healthfully.


EPT™ Therapy can help manage the issues that are preventing you from joining in on social interactions and get to the root of the social anxiety that you might be having. 

#4. Your Anxious Thoughts Won’t Quit 


It is challenging to get your brain to stop when you worry all the time, and you might be having intrusive thoughts if it gets to the point where your worrisome thoughts are controlling or interfering with your everyday activities.


People can learn to manage these unwelcome ideas and regain control of their lives with the help of therapy.


#5. You Aren’t in Control of Your Emotions 


The inability to control emotions is a major problem in people with mood or anxiety disorders.  


Being an emotional person does not always mean that you lack emotional control.


Therapy might assist you in regaining control of your emotions if they are interfering with your daily life.


#6. You’re Having Issues at Work or School    


Having a hard time at work or school can cause mental issues or exacerbate existing problems that you are experiencing.


Talking to someone can be helpful if you find it difficult to focus on your work, receive criticism about your performance, or feel worn out.


It can help address: 


  • Work and school stress 

  • Anxiety 

  • Depression 

  • Other factors impacting your mental health  


This can make heading to school or work less miserable.  


#7. Your Eating Habits Have Changed 


Certain mental health problems, such as anxiety or depression, can cause changes in appetite. While some people might lose their appetite, others find that they are overeating to cope. This can be problematic when these changes progress into disordered eating.  


Getting help allows you to combat the root of emotional eating, which is common in people who are struggling with their mental health.  


#8. You’re Grieving 


Grief can be tricky because there is no timeline or way that people experience it. But it is incredibly difficult to navigate on your own. While there is no rule about how long someone should take to go through the grieving process, if your grief is affecting your daily life, you might want to consider talking to someone.  


Remember, grief isn’t always the result of death. It is common to grieve the loss of a relationship, a job, a major move, etc.  


#9. You’re Dealing with Trauma 


Past trauma like abuse, addiction, abandonment, and more, can interfere with every aspect of your life. It can be difficult to overcome by yourself, but with therapy, it is possible.  


If you recently experienced trauma or are dealing with an old trauma that is coming to the surface, you might want to give EPT™ a try. Forgiveness is a powerful emotion-focused coping process, and when used in conjunction with talk therapy, you will experience lasting relief!  

Black man laying down with yellow flowers

Read More > How to Deal with Emotional Triggers  


Talk it Out with Open Heart Holistic Therapy 


Open Heart Holistic Therapy provides a safe and supportive space for individuals to take their first steps toward healing. With the help of me, Paige Cargioli, you can explore your innermost thoughts, feelings, and anxieties to begin the journey of self-discovery.  


Whether you are navigating a crisis, dealing with depression, or want to understand yourself better, I am here to help. Schedule a session with me today!  


Affirmations for a Brighter Future 


Are You Too Controlling?