What Is Holding You Back From Higher Professional Achievement?

It’s a time to look back at the past year; a perfect time to reflect on all you achieved personally and professionally (or what you didn’t). We sure are hard on ourselves, especially when it comes to our careers, aren’t we? We can sometimes become our own worst enemies when it comes to our job satisfaction & professional achievement. I understand that too. 


Ready to have the best year yet and move forward to a new level of achievement? Here are some of the most common ways professionals can get in their own way, and how you can move past what’s holding you back: 


Staying In Your Comfort Zone 


Break free from your comfort zone. The fear of failure is what might be holding you back. Sticking to the familiar won’t help you achieve your professional goals.  


I believe you need to try new things or you risk comparing yourself to those who are stepping out and succeeding. This zaps all of your energy, and that could be used to work towards a goal that is important to you this year! 

With EPT at Open Heart Holistic Therapy, we work together to help you take that leap of faith, and lean into fear in a way that’s exciting and inviting. Sometimes you just need a little encouragement to finally step into success.

Limiting Thoughts 


You know that quote, “Comparison is the thief of joy?” Self-limiting thoughts are the same. They drain you and leave you defeated.  


Don’t dwell on your flaws and shortcomings. (We all have them!) Instead, focus on your strengths and abilities, thinking about how to build on these skills to better your life.  

At my office, I help every one of my clients let go of these limiting belief systems. You may or may not know why, and you don’t have to figure it out alone! EPT uses a systematic process to find the root of your limiting beliefs and patterns and pushes you forward into greater healing and imagination.


Are self-limiting thoughts holding you back from professional achievement? Make 2021 the year that you move forward and achieve success!  Let’s chat!  


The healing continues: Managing Overwhelming Stress at Work 


Setting Goals Without A Plan  


I’m all about setting goals, and while it’s important to set both short and long-term goals, that’s not enough. If you just make a list of your professional goals and stop there, your personal dreams and aspirations can get pushed to the backburner by your day-to-day work demands. Years could pass, and your goals, well, they’ll still be on that list, haunting you.  


No one wants to look back at lists of unrealized goals, so my best advice is to anchor your goals to a specific plan of action. Include small checkpoints for success and set deadlines to check in with yourself. 


I like to use SMART goals for the things that I want to prioritize for the year: 


S-Specific: Be specific about your goal and what you want to accomplish 

M- Measurable: Remember to set objectives and a timeline to complete specific tasks towards your goal.  

A- Actionable: Make a goal that is challenging, but attainable.  

R-Relevant: Be honest with yourself, you know what you are capable of.  

T-Give yourself a deadline! 


See? Now you have a plan. What goals are you going to set for yourself?  



Unrealistic Goals 


If you set a goal that isn’t realistic, you will become discouraged and give up. On the other hand, if you set a goal that is too easily achieved, you might have the feeling that there isn’t anything else left to accomplish.  


Life isn’t a race. Reassess your professional goals and match them to your current situation. Really plan out what you want the next five to seven years to look like. Be kind to yourself. 

Be kind to yourself—chances are that you have made headway on your goals. Give yourself credit on how far you come and all the success and changes you’ve made.


Is something holding you back from finally meeting your professional goals? Feeling overwhelmed by your goals and plans? There may be something from our past causing you to repeat the same self-limiting patterns. Emotional Polarity Technique removes these past patterns so you can grow professionally and exceed the goals that you have set for yourself. Sound good? Let’s chat! 


Undervaluing Your Skills 


Don’t sell yourself short. You have amazing things to bring to the table. Mostly that you’re the only you out there!  


Know what your skills are worth, and believe in yourself. This newfound peace and increased confidence can help you achieve the work goals you set.  



Ready to achieve new levels for yourself professionally? Repeat these affirmations:  


  • I forgive myself for holding onto limiting belief and patterns.  

  • I give myself permission to accept I am confident in my self-worth and will not limit myself with my thoughts. 

  • I give myself permission to accept I am knowledgeable and have the skills to move forward in my career. 

  • I give myself permission to accept I have the focus and passion to succeed and attain my goals. 

  • I give myself permission to ask for help if I need it. 

  • I give myself permission to learn and grow.  

  • I give myself permission to be confident.  

  • I give myself permission to use my time to grow.  

  • I give myself permission to stay grounded in what I can do in the present to better my future personally and professionally. 

  • I love and accept myself even when I’m afraid the fear of failure will cripple me.  

  • I love and accept myself even when I’m afraid that success will just mean more responsibility and bigger failure.  

  • I give myself permission to accept I am (and always was) worthy to move forward with my goals.  

  • I give myself permission to accept I have the power to achieve my goals.  


Achieve Your Business Goals 


Don’t let self-limiting thoughts or your past dictate what you can achieve in your life. At Open Heart Holistic Therapy, I use Emotional Polarity Technique to get to the root of what is causing pain or limitations in your life. This unique form of therapy applies the science of forgiveness and positive affirmations to get the results you want faster.  


Exceed the goals that you have set for yourself with EPT! Book an appointment online, or call/text me, Paige Cargioli, to get started today: 813-922-8768



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