Are You Too Controlling?  

Put an end to your dominating behavior by acquiring the tools you need to handle your anxiety.


Feeling overwhelmed by controlling behavior and anxious thoughts? You aren’t alone. Many of us struggle to manage our anxiety and try to micromanage our behavior (and others) to feel in control of our lives.  


Fortunately, there is hope. Here are some of my favorite tips that can help you effectively manage your anxiety and put an end to your controlling behavior. 

Woman grabbing her head anxiously

Signs That You’re Controlling  


Here are some of the tell-tale signs that you are controlling:  


  • You're interested in knowing what will occur, how it will occur, and when it will occur.

  • You over plan and become angry when things don't go as expected.

  • You fixate on inconsequential details.

  • You believe that there is only one right path to take.

  • You micromanage and are overly critical of others.

  • You have ridiculously high expectations.


Why Are People Controlling? 


Controlling actions frequently result from anxiety and fear. It's normal to desire to exert control over situations when you're concerned in order to feel secure. Nonetheless, it goes without saying that we are powerless over other people or circumstances, and attempting to do so rarely improves our mood.

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One important note: Being extremely controlling of your loved ones can be an attempt to have power over them, which can be abusive.  


How to Stop Being Controlling  


We need to confront the fear that drives controlling actions. However in order to achieve that, we must first identify our specific fears and assess their feasibility.


  • What are afraid will happen if you can’t control this person or situation?  

  • Are you expecting the worst; AKA catastrophizing?  

  • What are the chances that this bad thing will happen?  


Though we often exaggerate how bad the outcome could be or how likely it is to happen, we have to remember that a lot of things are simply out of our control.  


Once you understand this—and truly take it to heart—you’ll notice a shift in your anxiety and controlling behavior.  

Practice Acceptance 


Remember, we can only control ourselves. Read that again.  


When you feel anxious or have controlling thoughts, stay mindful and tune into the present moment.   


  • What is in your control? What isn’t?  

  • How can you manage your fears?  

  • How can you stay focused on the present?  

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You aren’t responsible for everyone and you must trust them to make their own decisions. This is what love and trust are all about. 


Most of all, try to be patient with yourself; change is a process.  


Learn More > How to Deal with Emotional Triggers 

Daily Mantras to deal with controlling behvaior


Say Goodbye to Controlling Behavior  


Since controlling behavior often stems from upheaval or trauma during childhood, you must resolve these problems before you can truly move forward.  


That’s where EPT™ comes in! With the power of forgiveness, you can let go of these behaviors that are holding you back, improving your relationships and overall well-being along the way.  


Ready to get started? Say goodbye to anxiety and controlling behavior by scheduling a consultation with me, Paige Cargioli, today!  




Do I Need Therapy? Signs it's Time to Talk it Out 


How to Deal with Emotional Triggers