I’m Fine…

We’ve all done it, said we’re fine when really, deep inside, we aren’t.  


Sometimes we tell ourselves that we are fine to trick ourselves to believe that whatever hurt us didn’t. ‘I’m fine’ is a time to look at what’s really going on and even talk with a professional. Feeling ‘fine’? Let’s take a deeper look: 

Feelings Inside That Aren’t Expressed 


Unfortunately, even though we say we are fine, this does not usually accurately represent what is going on inside the mind and body. Of course, you don’t have the time to tell the grocery store clerk or your co-worker how your day is really going or the stresses that you are currently facing. That might be a little much!  

In our fast-paced society, we often don’t have the time to really talk about what is going on with us. This means feelings and trauma often gets pushed back to the back burner, and we learn to suppress our thoughts and feelings.

The problem is, if you don’t make time and carve out space for your feelings and emotions you might explode in emotions like anger without warning! Or you might feel physical pain and have a health issue manifest itself from your pent-up anxiety. Yes, chronic pain can result from unchecked anxiety and stress!  


Related: Why You Have Anxiety... 


Instead of Saying “I’m fine.” 


Please, if you take anything from this post, remember, the next time you find yourself saying that you are fine, take some time to write in a journal about your true feelings that you might be avoiding, or find a friend or therapist (like me!) who you can truly talk things out with without the fear of being judged. Make space for yourself. You are worth it.  

Pay closer attention to what is underneath the “fine.” You might be embarrassed by it, or it might make you uncomfortable, you honestly may have suppressed the pain so much you may not even realize the root cause anymore...

But the sooner you acknowledge, resolve, and forgive yourself, the past, and understand your thoughts and feelings, you can live a bolder, more authentic life! Doesn’t that sound amazing?!  


Related : Signs It’s Time to Consider Therapy 


Feeling Just Fine? 


Truly mean how you feel. Pent-up feelings need to be expressed which is where holistic therapy and affirmations can help. 


When you feel trapped by “I’m Fine”, repeat these affirmations: 


  • I forgive myself for being too scared to share how I really feel 

  • I forgive myself for not having it all together, and not being “fine.”  

  • I forgive myself for believing that I (and others) can’t handle me not being fine.  

  • I forgive myself for believing it’s not ok to not be fine.  

  • I forgive others for not understanding  

  • I forgive others for not truly listening 

  • I give myself permission to forgive and let go of the past 

  • I give myself permission to feel sadness, but also joy and happiness too.  

  • I give myself permission to get help.  

  • I give myself permission to love myself enough and make time for me.   

  • I give myself permission to love myself whether I get worse, stay the same, or get better.  


Moving Forward With Emotional Polarity Technique  

 It’s important to feel heard, and I am ready to listen and help you heal! I’m here to assist you in making space for YOU in your life. All your thoughts, feelings, fears, unresolved traumas, pain, and dreams are important, and Emotional Polarity Technique can help you move forward and live a life that you might have only dreamed of!  

Find the root of your pain, and learn to let go of the past with forgiveness therapy. Appointments can be in person or via video/phone chat. Call Open Heart Holistic Therapy for your free 30-minute conversation today! 


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