Take Care of Yourself: Self-Care Tips for Fall

Self-care is important for people of all ages, and now that the seasons are changing and the holidays are just around the corner, it is important to take some time out from the stress of work, school, and housework.  


Here are some of my top tips to help maintain your physical and mental well-being this Fall! 

#1. Take Time for Yourself Every Day  


Although it is simple to think that you don't have enough time in the day for self-care, I assure you that you do have at least 15 minutes every day available to you. Choose a regular time every day, such as right before bed or right when you wake up.


Taking time for yourself can mean: 


  • Reading a chapter in a favorite book 

  • Listening to music  

  • Watching silly videos on YouTube  

  • Writing in a journal 

  • Taking a bath 

  • Walking outside   


#2. Get Outside  


We have a lot of reasons to go outside now that the weather is cooling off. Go for a stroll outside or eat dinner outside.

After a hard day, getting outside is a terrific way to enjoy the weather and unwind.


#3. Make Small Dietary Changes  


If the idea of making a big change to your diet sounds overwhelming, set a goal to make a few small changes instead. Some easy small changes could be: 


  • Drinking more water 

  • Swapping a sugary dessert or a piece of fruit 

  • Eating one new vegetable a week 

  • Cutting out soda or alcohol   


Knowing you are doing something good for your body can help restore your overall health and restore your self-confidence this fall.  

#4. Make Sleep a Priority  


Sleep is essential for your overall health. You need to receive high-quality sleep in addition to receiving the recommended amount of sleep each night.

Practice good "sleep hygiene" to achieve this. This entails going to bed at the same time each day and avoiding using blue-light-emitting gadgets like TVs, laptops, or phones for at least an hour prior to turning in.

Last but not least, keep your bedroom cool and dark to encourage better sleep.


#5. Try Positive Reflection  


Making time to reflect on your day can improve your emotional well-being. Write down a few good things that happened to you, or things that you are grateful for each day.  


Reflecting on all the good things in your life can give you a better mindset about your life and help you move forward when you are feeling down or sad.  


Forgiveness is Lifechanging > Ways to Make Forgiveness a Part of Your Life 

Fall Into Self Care  


Take some time for yourself this fall, whatever that might mean for you. Stopping to reflect or do something you love will help you feel less stressed as we begin this busy season.  


Breathe in and out and take care of yourself. If you need help breaking through the barriers of past trauma, I’m here for you! Schedule an EPT consultation at ohht today!  



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