Use Gratitude to Change Your Life

Although we may be reminded of all the things that we are grateful for during the holiday season, gratitude shouldn’t just be reserved for special occasions. Showing daily appreciation for what you have can improve your life year-round.  


Even if you are going through a difficult season in your life or are struggling, there are many things that you can actively feel gratitude for.  


I know that being grateful is easier said than done, so here are my best tips to bring a little more gratitude into your day-to-day life.  

Try Gratitude Meditations  


One of the most impactful ways to actively practice gratitude is to sit still and be quiet. Not only will the practice of grateful meditation give you a dose of gratitude now, but it will also plant a seed within you to notice more instances that you are grateful for throughout your day.  


Try this 5-minute meditation when you get up or before you go to bed: 


  • Use your breath to secure yourself in the present moment.  

  • Next, recall a sight that you are grateful for such as a color, a shape, a scene, etc.  

  • Now, shift to a scent that you appreciate. What about this scent makes you smile? Does it enliven you? Comfort you? Does it make you curious? 

  • Be aware of the sounds around you. What noises do you hear? Can you express your gratitude for being able to hear noises like music, laughing children, or your own breathing?

  • Next, if there is someone nearby who you can hug, feel gratitude for the human contact. Perhaps you have a pet you can cuddle with, or the blanket you are wrapped in seems rich and silky. Activate your sense of touch.

  • Turn your attention to the surroundings. Recognize your blessings and the skill and effort that went into attracting and developing your favorite things.

  • Keep your grateful mindset with you at all times. Open your heart and allow gratitude and appreciation to flow there.



Choose to be present, awake, and alive in your one precious life.  


Write in a Journal  


Every day, set aside some time to jot down three things for which you are thankful. To take it a step further, use a page in your journal to list every positive aspect of your life that comes to mind. No matter how trivial the items on the list may seem, keep going.


Reframe Negativity with Gratitude  


Challenge yourself to turn a negative situation into an opportunity to be grateful.  


Stuck in traffic? Think: I am grateful for my car, a place to go, the ability to drive, etc. 


Have a cold? Think: I’m grateful for my body’s ability to heal, medicine, doctors, sick days, rest, movies, soup, etc.  


Stressful day at work? Think: I’m grateful to have a sense of purpose and the ability to make money.  


Kids misbehaving? Think: I’m grateful to have children and the ability to help shape their lives.  


A challenging situation: Think: What can I learn from this situation? What am I being reminded to practice or notice?  


Are self-limiting thoughts holding you back from experiencing gratitude? Move forward, achieve success, and find true happiness with Open Heart Holistic. Let’s chat!   


Prioritize Joy Over Happiness  


Many people strive for happiness, thinking that it is a goal. Joy is based on internal variables, such as the knowledge that you are making small progress toward your dreams, even if you don't yet have them. Happiness can be based on external ones, such as having your ideal career, partner, or home. By choosing joy over happiness, you might feel happier now rather than having to work for it in the future. Joy is an eternal emotion.


Harness Joy > Proven Ways to be Happier  


Take a Break 


It may be time to step away from social media if you suffer from severe FOMO. Social media is a wonderful tool for connecting, but it can also make it feel difficult to practice appreciation because it constantly reminds us of the things we don't have yet desire. Choose to follow encouraging accounts on social media and unfollow the users you frequently compare yourself to if you want to stay connected.


Gratitude Affirmations  


I am grateful for my life.  


I am grateful for the blessings in my life, big and small.  


I am grateful for my family and friends.  


I am grateful that I can love and be loved.  


I am grateful for the little things that bring me joy.  


I am grateful to be me.  


I am grateful to be alive.  

Move Forward with Gratitude  


Don’t allow fear, difficult relationships, or anxiety to hold you back from the gratitude and joy that you can experience in your lifetime. You CAN be grateful. Learn to let go and forgive with Emotional Polarity Technique™!  


Find the root of your pain and foster gratefulness with EPT. Schedule a consultation with me, Paige Cargioli, today! 


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