How EPT™ Therapy Can Strengthen Your Relationship 

Problems in a relationship often have a root cause, whether this is past trauma, a negative thought process, issues with past relationships, issues with parents, or trust issues. I use EPT™ holistic therapy to work through issues that individuals might have, so they can strengthen their relationship with their significant other. Even if your relationship isn’t ‘toxic’, we can work together to improve the bond that you have and fix some issues that you might be experiencing in your relationship.  


Let’s take a look at some of the benefits Emotional Polarity Technique™ can have on your relationship! 




Happiness is a key component in any healthy relationship, and if you aren’t happy, we need to find the root problem. Many people live with past trauma that has lasting effects on their lives and their relationships with others. What happens is that a person gets into a relationship that has issues in order to fix an old issue (that might remind them of an old relationship). For example, my parents were mean to each other, so I am in a relationship where we’re mean to each other as a way to “fix” the old pattern. I can’t fix the problem, if I don’t recreate the problem.  


With EPT™, we use the power of forgiveness as a tool to move forward and live happy healthy lives. As an EPT™ therapist at Open Heart Holistic Therapy, I’m trained to uncover significant hurts in your life which change your body’s reactions. Then I will coach you through the most effective way to finally let go: forgiveness. Forgiveness = happiness.  


Emotional Polarity Technique, a holistic therapy, can help you with any stressful relationship. Whether it’s a broken family, abuse, neglect, abandonment, or sex. EPT™ is what you have been looking for. EPT™ finds root issues and uses the science of forgiveness to help you break old patterns and live your life so you can feel happier and more relaxed. Call me today -- 813-922-8768 -- or book a free 30-minute chat.  





Yes, another key component of a healthy relationship: communication. When communication breaks down, it can be hard to get back to where your relationship once was. Paying attention almost always walks hand in hand with communication.  


When was the last time you really listened and paid attention to what your spouse or significant other had to say? With EPT™ therapy, I will help you learn how to pay better attention. People challenged with paying attention tend to be reacting, not responding. Paying attention requires patience and trust. Do not worry about what you need to do, just observe and listen first. Paying attention can equal better communication which in turn will strengthen your relationship! 


Be ready to listen. Tell your partner, “I’m ready to listen.” Remember, you have 2 ears and 1 mouth for a reason.  



Our sexuality and intimate time with our partner is a place where we can connect mentally, physically, and spiritually. When relationships are having issues though, intimacy can be pushed to the back burner.  As adults, we have the cognitive ability to cope and heal in a multitude of ways. Perhaps past trauma or poor self-image is infiltrating your intimate time with your significant other. With Emotional Polarity Technique™, I will work with you to heal and fully integrate the body/mind/and spirit so you can be present and enjoy intimate time with your partner.  

Intimacy is such an important part of a healthy relationship and healing any issues not only strengthens your relationship but brings you closer together as a couple.  




If you live with your partner or spend significant time with someone day in and day out, disagreements are bound to happen. If disagreements are getting in the way of a healthy relationship, there is a root cause that needs to be dealt with. Past relationships can have a big impact on your current relationship. Perhaps there were trust issues involved or emotional abuse in the past. These past traumas can haunt you until you deal with them.  


With Emotional Polarity Technique, I will work with you to find the root of your past trauma or pain and will teach you how to forgive and let go. Forgiveness is liberating. Once you have forgiven the past, you can move forward (and hopefully with fewer disagreements between you and your partner). 


Create Goals for the Future  


If you are constantly living in the past with your trauma, pain, and neglect, or intimacy issues, it can be hard to create future goals with your partner.  


During an EPT™ session, I will work with you to break any old patterns that are holding you back so you can start living the life that you want to live. Letting go of the past and forgiving the wrongs that were done to you can only help you in your relationship. It’s easier to create long-term goals with someone when you aren’t bogged down by the past. This strengthens your relationship and gives you both something to look forward to and work towards as a couple. 



At Open Heart Holistic Therapy, I understand what it’s like to feel that you’re trying your best, but an invisible hand is holding you back. This doesn’t mean that you’re unworthy of love—it just means you could use some help. EPT™ therapy helps to let go of past trauma so you can move forward and enjoy healthy long-lasting relationships. Call 813-922-8768 or schedule a consultation with a South Tampa holistic practitioner today!  



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