Affirmations To Take Back Your Power

Relationships are hard,

and sometimes we love people who do not know how to love us back, or worse they lie, manipulate, or take our power. But it takes two to tango, and another person cannot take my power unless I am willing to give it away.

Why do we give our power away?

It might be that I believe my power isn’t mine to use, or that using my power just makes things worse, or that the other person knows better than I do. There are all kinds of beliefs that can take us to a place of giving our power away. 

What does it feel like when your power is taken?

When power is taken away from someone they are confused. They don’t know which way is up without someone telling them. They are afraid that they are wrong or doing something wrong all the time. Their self-esteem is totally nonexistent in the toxic relationship. They feel lost and like their life isn’t theirs to take action in anymore.

Where does this happen?

Toxic and abusive relationships are where this is seen the most often. One person believes that they deserve to be treated poorly for whatever reason, and the abuser believes they are entitled to the love or attention or obedience of the survivor. When the survivor begins to see they are worthy of better treatment and surround themselves with resources and a community that won’t put up with the abuser’s antics—there is a light at the end of the tunnel. Though, the abuser will sometimes become even more mean or angry or controlling as you start to take back your power because they genuinely believe they are entitled to control you. 

It’s not your fault.

However, even if a person gets out of a toxic abusive environment and they still believe they are not worthy of better, then it may happen again. 

But remember, healing is not linear, it can be a winding road. Check out this blog post for some encouragement wherever you are on your healing journey.

This isn’t to put all the responsibility on the survivor, it is not your fault. Abusive behavior is absolutely wrong, and there should be consequences for this behavior, but often there isn’t (especially if it is emotional abuse). The hope is on the survivor to build up their confidence, self-esteem, and trust. The hope is on friends and family calling out toxicity and abusiveness what it is, and doing whatever they can to surround the person that needs help (even while they may not want it). 

This is for the survivor who is ready to take back their power and choose to live authentically, free from lies, manipulation, and abuse. 

Here are some forgiveness statements and affirmations to take back your power:

I forgive myself for believing my power is not mine to use. 

I forgive myself for believing if I use my power I’ll only be responsible for the bad that happens.

I forgive myself for believing I have to feel shame and guilt about using my power. 

I forgive myself for believing I have to give up my power otherwise I will be hurt. 

I forgive myself for believing I have to give up my power otherwise someone I love will be hurt. 

I forgive myself for believing I owe a debt and my power is the only way to pay for it. 

I forgive myself for believing I will never get my power back.

I forgive others for taking my power. 

I forgive others for believing that my power is owed to them. 

I forgive others for believing they own my power because of something I did or didn’t do. 

I forgive others for believing I will never get my power back.

I give others permission to forgive me for giving them my power. 

I give others permission to forgive me for taking my power back. 

I give others permission to forgive me for blaming them when I don’t use my power. 

I love and accept myself even when I’m afraid that taking back my God given power would not be good for me. 

I love and accept myself even when I’m afraid I don’t have power to take back. 

I love and accept myself even when I’m afraid 

I give myself permission to take back my God give power without guilt or shame. 

I give myself permission to use my God given power without guilt or shame. 

I give myself permission to use my God given power to love others more and make the world a better place. 

I give myself permission to feel secure and confident and happy taking back my power. 

If you or someone you love is stuck in a toxic relationship where the power has been taken, reach out and make an appointment at Open Heart Holistic Therapy. At ohht I use a holistic therapy called Emotional Polarity Technique to get to the root of these issues so you can begin surrounding yourself with love and light and take back your power!


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