You Don't Need to Make New Year's Resolutions 


Make changes that make sense to you because there is nothing magical about January 1st.



If the thought of making New Year's resolutions makes you anxious, you might want to think about doing away with the custom. According to science, the majority of people who make resolutions each year don't keep them, which results in a variety of emotional and mental turbulence throughout the year.


But I’m not saying that you shouldn’t set goals for yourself, these milestones are important to your personal growth and development! It’s all about setting healthy goals with realistic timeframes. 


Learn strategies to adopt healthier habits in the new year from our holistic therapist, Paige Cargioli.  

The Case for Not Setting New Year’s Resolutions  


The issue with New Year's resolutions is that people frequently set impossible objectives. This doesn't help either, and you might not ultimately be wanting to change for the correct reasons if you combine it with the social pressure associated with resolutions. 


Setting goals for healthier behavior and sticking with them is possible, but you have to be strategic about adopting small steps to get it done.  


Better Ways to Go About Resolutions  


Instead of making New Year’s resolutions, here are some tips to make healthy habits stick.  


#1. Pick the Time That’s Right for You  


People think that there is something about the new year that makes it easier to achieve goals than it would be at other times of the year, but that just isn’t true.  


Anytime is a great time to start a new exercise routine, try a new hobby, or work towards your goals. It doesn’t have to wait until the new year, so do what makes sense for you.  


#2. Be Specific  


Being more specific about your goals can be greatly beneficial to accomplishing them. Start with the SMART framework which suggests that goals should be: 


  • Specific 

  • Measurable 

  • Achievable 

  • Realistic 

  • Time-based  


The point is that you are more likely to reach your goal if you get specific about the steps you are going to take to get there, versus focusing on the end goal itself. 


For example: pledging to learn a new yoga pose twice a week, instead of “doing more yoga,”. The goal should also be realistic for you to achieve and have a definitive end date or milestone you can reach, such as being able to hold a challenging yoga pose, getting certified as a yoga instructor, etc.   


#3. Change Your Environment  


Don't depend on willpower or motivation alone to achieve your goals. Set yourself up for success instead by altering your environment to promote healthy behavior.


This could entail stocking your supermarket cart with more nutritious items or charging your phone in a separate location to avoid the temptation to pick it up and check social media.


Whatever your goal may be, make sure your environment makes it easy for you to attain it. 

#4. Surround Yourself with Support  


Pick your cheerleading squad and hang out with them often. If your objective is to eat healthier, think about asking a friend or member of your family to go grocery shopping with you so they can prompt you to make better food choices. Or ask a friend to join you in preparing a healthy supper.


Your doctor, therapist, personal trainer, exercise partner, or peer support group are all potential additions to your support network.


#5. Look out for Saboteurs 


It's critical to keep an eye out for those who don't support your objectives or the desired adjustments in behavior. Even if people try to convince you otherwise, be ready to remain with your goals.


Remember, you don’t need to defend or explain your goals. Be firm with others about your decisions from the beginning.  


#6. Experiment  


A less rigid approach can also be strategic, even though being detailed might help you comprehend your goals and identify any measures you may need to take to get there. For instance, you might think about temporarily removing apps from your phone if you want to spend less time on it.

You can figure out what works for you as you go along if you approach a new goal as an experiment. Instead of committing to the new behavior "forever," try making it your goal to stick with it for a month. In this manner, it is possible to change the objective in light of what is and is not working.


#7. Take Advantage of Automated Reminders


You can be reminded to drink more water or get up from your desk by using automated reminders like alarms or phone alerts. Visual signals like post-it notes on your mirror can serve as a reminder to go to the gym and can also help you keep to your new regimen.

You can stay on track and recognize minor victories along the road by keeping a notebook or using an app to track your progress.


#8. Accept What is Out of Your Control  


You will just feel more anxious and possibly dejected if you worry about things you cannot control. There is nothing you can do if you are unable to afford to engage a personal trainer but think about what you can accomplish with what you already have. Could you watch YouTube recordings of workouts conducted by personal trainers? Do you have someone you could work out with?

Be honest with yourself about your potential.


#9. Don’t Give Up


It's difficult to change your behavior, so don't give up if you don't succeed the first few times.


Don’t give up, and repeat these affirmations to yourself often: 


I can achieve anything I want  

I believe in myself 

I have what it takes to reach my goals 

I am driven to succeed 

Everything that I want is within my reach 


Learn More > How Self-Love Boosts Your Confidence 


Achieve Your Goals  


If you’re ready to achieve your goals, whatever they may be, know that you have the power within you to reach them. But if you need help along the way with anxiety, depression, or intrusive thoughts, the Emotional Polarity Technique can help you move forward and live your best life.  


Get started on your journey with me, Paige Cargioli, and schedule your consultation today!  



Affirmations to Boost Your Mood 


How to Strengthen Your Relationship Amid Holiday Stress