Signs It’s Time To Consider Therapy

Say hello to healing...

If you are struggling with pain, depression, anxiety, a bad relationship, or stressful family life challenges,  talking to a counselor may be the right next step for you. Therapy can help you learn to let go and teach you coping mechanisms for any symptoms that might not be easy to treat right away. Stick around until the end of this post (or skip ahead) for some affirmations to help you right now!  


If you are experiencing any mental health issues, know that you are not alone. But, how do you know when it’s the right time to go to therapy? Well, let’s take a look...  


Am I Ready for Therapy? 

When mental health or emotional problems begin to affect your daily life, therapy may be recommended. Therapy is a safe place to talk about life challenges such as the loss of a loved one, familial problems, or money issues.  


It can take some time and consideration before choosing to go to therapy. That is perfectly okay! You may want to seek holistic EPT therapy when:  


  • Thinking about your issue starts interfering with your day to day life 

  • The issue causes any embarrassment, shame, or avoidance 

  • The issue as decreased your quality of life 

  • The issue has negatively affected your work or school life or relationships 

  • You’ve changed aspects of your life or created habits to cope with the issue  


If you feel like you are controlled by your mental health issues, it is important to consider getting help to start healing. Start healing with a 30-minute chat with me, Paige Cargioli


Reasons to Talk to a Therapist 

If you are experiencing any of the following emotions and they have begun to interfere with your everyday life, you might benefit from therapy.  


  • OverwhelmIf you feel like you have too many issues to cope with and you feel like you can’t rest or relax, therapy is a good option. Stress and overwhelm can manifest in many physical health concerns, so stress management is the key to working through overwhelm.  

  • Fatigue. This physical symptom often has an underlying cause of depression. Fatigue often causes you to sleep more than usual, or have trouble getting out of bed in the morning.  

  • Rage, anger, resentmentEveryone gets angry sometimes, but if you are angry all the time, or have extreme rage that could lead you to violence, therapy can help.  

  • Prolonged anxiety. If worry takes up a significant part of your day to day or manifests physically, therapy can help you deal with it.  

  • Apathy. If you have lost interest in your favorite activities, the world around you, or even life in general, this can indicate an issue like depression or anxiety.  

  • Hopelessness. Feeling like you have no future, or losing hope or motivation can indicate depression or another mental health condition.  

  • Social withdrawal. Introverts might need more alone time than others, but if you have a profound fear of being around other people, therapy can help you understand and cope with these feelings.  


Emotional Polarity Technique™ is a non-traditional modality of therapy and uses the science of forgiveness to resolve adversity in life that causes sickness, chronic pain, and difficult relationships. The immediate result is profound, empowering relief, and the long-term result is permanent positive behavior changes, a healthier life, and a better world!  


Benefits of EPT Therapy

Past trauma can be difficult to talk about and painful to remember. If you are willing to do the work, therapy can be helpful and rewarding. EPT is a safe, non-judgmental space where you can share anything or nothing and feel better. Through holistic therapy you can :  


  • Feel better without feeling like you’re repeating the same old story over and over. You don’t have to figure it all out on your own.  

  • You can learn about yourself. A therapist will listen to your story and offer guidance regarding any problems that might arise. Therapy empowers you. 

  • Therapy can help you achieve your goals. If you haven’t figured out your goals yet, therapy can help you set goals and steps to meet them.  

  • Holistic therapy helps you create fulfilling and lasting relationships.  

  • Better health. There is a link between mind and body wellness. Untreated mental issues have an impact on our physical well being.  


Therapy can improve all aspects of your life. If you feel like something is holding you back, therapy can help address the barriers that you have set for yourself and allow you to finally move past them. 


Choose Holistic Healing Therapy

If you are tired of feeling like you haven’t been heard in traditional talk therapy, give EPT a try! This holistic approach to healing can help you work through whatever you might be dealing with both physically and emotionally. Resolve unresolved conflicts in your life with the science of forgiveness.


Try these forgiveness and affirmation statements to help you show up and love yourself with the gift of emotional health: 


I forgive myself for believing my life is too overwhelming. 

I forgive myself for believing no one will be able to help me. 

I forgive myself for believing I’m too ashamed to ask for help. 

I forgive myself for believing no one wants to help me. 

I forgive myself for believing I don’t deserve attention and love. 

I forgive others for not being there for me. 

I forgive others for not listening. 

I forgive others for not understanding. 

I give others permission to forgive me when my problems trump theirs. 

I give others permission to forgive me when I compete for attention with my emotional stress and trauma. 

I love and accept myself even when I’m afraid nothing will help me, I’ll never heal. 

I love and accept myself even when I’m afraid I can’t show up for myself. 

I love and accept myself even when I’m afraid if I get help, someone else will get worse. 

I give myself permission to get help. 

I give myself permission to love myself enough and make time for me.  

I give myself permission to love myself whether I get worse, stay the same, or get better. 

Without this pattern, I am free to love myself and others more.  

Without this pattern, I am free to give up trying to figure out everything on my own and heal. 



Find the root of your pain. Let it go with forgiveness therapy. Appointments can be in person or via video/phone chat. Call Open Heart Holistic Therapy for your free 30-minute conversation today!  


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