How Social Media Affects Teens’ Mental Health  

From Tik Tok to Instagram, teens have access to a plethora of information, entertainment, and connection with others on social media like never before. But there has been much debate about whether or not that connectivity is beneficial for their mental health.  


While it's true that teens can access support networks, increase self-expression and gain confidence from social media, the risks should not be overlooked. Let’s see why and what you can do to help.  

Social Media is Taking a Heavy Toll on Teen Mental Health 


From FOMO to comparison, it’s no secret that social media can have a BIG impact on a person’s mental and emotional health. While it was introduced with good intentions, there are negative impacts from constant scrolling, especially for teens.  


Young adults who use social media are three times more likely to experience depression, which puts a big percentage of the population in danger of suicidal thoughts and actions. 


The rise in cyberbullying and unrealistic body expectations portrayed on social media platforms have contributed to this negative impact.  


Teens are highly impressionable, and these unrealistic expectations can affect their self-esteem, leading them to feel inadequate or not good enough. This can result in decreased confidence and overall mental health. 


Is Social Media Addicting for Teens?  


 Have you ever wondered why social media is so addicting for teens? Well, the answer lies in the dopamine rush that it provides. 


For teens, social media can provide a sense of belonging and validation, which can be especially important during adolescence when they are navigating their identity and sense of self. 


Our brains contain a neurotransmitter called dopamine, which is in charge of giving us pleasure and reward. When we receive positive feedback or engage in pleasurable activities, our brain releases dopamine which us feel good.  


Social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and TikTok trigger this dopamine release by providing immediate gratification through likes, comments, and followers. 


However, just because something feels good doesn't necessarily mean it's healthy or appropriate in excess. 

Signs Your Teen is Struggling 


As parents, it's important to be aware of how social media is impacting our children, especially teenagers.  


One sign that your teenager may be struggling with social media is if they're constantly checking their phone or refreshing their apps. It's normal for teenagers to use social media frequently, but if it becomes an obsessive behavior or interferes with everyday activities such as homework or family time, then it may be time to have a conversation about setting boundaries.  


Another red flag is if your teen displays mood changes after using social media. 


Also, pay attention to the content of what they post or share on their profiles—if they're constantly seeking validation from likes and comments or posting self-deprecating content, it could indicate low self-esteem. 

 Tips for Healthy Social Media Use  


I get it, all the constantly updated content on social media can be compelling, and it's hard to break that nightly habit of scrolling through the feeds to see what is new. The good news? As a parent, you can set an example through your behavior. The first thing you can do? Stop using your phone excessively in front of your kids.  


Set clear boundaries around social media usage. Encourage your teen to turn off notifications during study or mealtimes and establish screen-free zones in the house such as their bedroom or during family time. This will help them stay focused on other important aspects of their life rather than constantly being connected to social media. 


Share these tips with your teen to slow the scroll:  


  • #1. Limit your screen time. Spending too much time on social media can negatively impact mental health and lead to addiction. Make sure you take breaks often and spend time doing other activities that make you happy. 


  • #2. Be mindful of what you post online. Everything posted on the internet stays there forever and can have serious consequences later in life. Think before posting anything that could be harmful or offensive. 


  • #3. Choose who you follow wisely. Make sure that you're following people who inspire and motivate you rather than those who bring negativity into your life. 


  • #4. Don't compare yourself to others on social media. It's easy to fall into the trap of comparing our lives with others online but remember most people only post highlights of their life online. 


Giving Teens the Right Tools for Mindful Social Media Habits 


The Emotional Polarity Technique™ can be greatly beneficial to teens in helping them to understand how their thoughts and feelings are influenced by their online activity and how to move forward. As a holistic therapist, I can work with your child to identify patterns in their social media use that may be contributing to negative emotions or behaviors.  


Another way I can support teenagers is by providing them with coping strategies for managing difficult emotions or trauma related to social media use. 


More Healing > Unlearn Your Need to Be Liked 

Empower Your Teenager with Holistic Healing  


If your teen is struggling with the impacts of social media usage, holistic therapy like EPT™ can help teens develop resilience and self-awareness to better manage their emotions.  


As a mom myself, I strive to help young people struggling with the pressures of growing up in an increasingly digital world. With this help, they can move towards greater emotional well-being and peace of mind. 


Contact me, Paige Cargioli, at Open Heart Holistic Therapy for a free 30-minute phone consultation today!  


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