Feeling Stressed About Money

Let’s face it...we live in stressful times! When I talk to people about what most stresses them out, you can  guess that money is often at the top of the list.  


Money problems, such as having large amounts of credit card debt, or not making enough money to make ends meet, can put a strain on your nervous system and cause emotional and even physical problems. I’m here to help! Let’s talk about what causes this stress, and some alternative ways to alleviate financially induced stress.  


Financial Fight or Flight 


Whether you believe it or not, financial issues can put your body into a “fight-or-flight” state of response. When this kicks in, your body receives a flood of stress hormones (like adrenaline and cortisol) that in the wild would be used to help you stay to fight, or run away. While we might be fighting off predators in the wild, financial stress can set off the same type of reaction.  


Extended periods in this “fight-or-flight,” response is hard on the body and can drain you. This stress impairs your immune system and can cause all sorts of ailments including headaches and weight gain, even if you aren’t feeling stressed.  


Let’s chat if you’re feeling more and more stressed about money. I can help you heal your thoughts about it and give ways to remove the emotional and physical pain with holistic therapy.  


Is Money the Root of My Pain?  


Money is an integral part of our day to day lives. Money isn’t the problem, it’s how we feel about the money that impacts our emotional health.  The constant worries over money can lead to many serious psychological symptoms such as anxiety, depression, and more. The burden of large sums of debt can take a major toll on mental health.  


Not only can the burden of financial stress cause anxiety and depression, there are correlated links between stress and lack of happiness, fulfillment, and self-esteem. This can manifest in many ways, like not being able to sleep well at night, low states of optimism for the future, and thoughts of helplessness.  


You can be happy, healthy, and content no matter what your financial situation. 


Don’t Let Money Problems Take a Negative Toll on Your Health  


I understand things can seem hopeless if you are struggling financially. There is never really a simple solution, but don’t worry too much and let money take a negative toll on your health or your relationships.  


There is help available to you! It may seem overwhelming or impossible, but EPT therapy can help you get your motivation to take action in your life—financially or otherwise. Let’s take a look at some steps that you can take to help heal your thoughts and your money issues.   


Try Credit Counseling  

If you feel in over your head and don’t have any idea of where to start, seek out a counselor - a credit counselor.  


Credit counseling can help you create a plan to get your financial situation back on track. There are counseling services through nonprofits that can help you for little to no cost. Take back your financial freedom!  


Seek Healthy Coping Mechanisms 

Often, money problems can tempt us to pick up unhealthy habits like smoking, drinking, or overeating, which in reality will exacerbate your stress levels!  


Find a simple, healthy way to manage your stress. Try yoga, taking evening walks, journaling, cooking, meditating, holistic therapy, and many activities can help calm your nerves and help you refocus your mind.  


Focus on the Positive  

While positive thinking might not make your money problems magically disappear, it can help you quell your fears and move forward. When you focus on the positive, you can learn to appreciate the financial strengths that you do have.  


Let’s try something: Take a sheet of paper and write down the positive aspects of your money. Maybe you have a great job or a 401K... Write it down! Focus on the good things that you have going for you, rather than your perceived issues.  This allows your mind to clear and can help you stay calm, even when money is tight.  


Say Goodbye to Financial Shame  

Being in debt can bring with it a lot of shame which can cause a perpetual cycle of anxiety and financial mismanagement. When you begin to feel shame or embarrassment about money, remember that organization and asking for help is okay. Healing your finances can help you towards a healthier relationship with money.  


Attend Therapy 

If you are experiencing anxiety, hopelessness, depression, or any other mental health issue, a therapist can help alleviate some of this stress and recommend treatment options for you. This is where EPT sessions come in.  


I can help you to realize that money doesn’t have to control you.  The debt that you are in or the money that you don’t have doesn’t define you. You are worth more than all the money in the world. EPT works and will change the way that you feel about money, which in turn will make you happier, help you take action in your life, and ease your stress.  


Stop Comparing Yourself On Social Media  

Social media can be a dark place for many. We can become jealous of all the things that we don’t have, and forget about all the things that we do! Don’t fall into the trap of measuring your success by the accomplishments and status updates of your friends and family. 


Take a step back before you scroll and remember: you only see what they want you to see. The news feed doesn’t share the whole story.  


Heal Your Thoughts And Negative Belief Patterns With EPT  


Don’t gauge your financial success by that of others; like in therapy, everyone is different. You can change yourself and your beliefs that may be limiting your life.  


Ask yourself, “What do I believe about money? What did my family teach me about money?” Usually, it’s that belief that stresses us out. 


Try these forgiveness statements and affirmation to help relieve your money stress: 


I forgive myself for believing I can only be happy if I have enough money. 

I forgive myself for believing money will fix all my problems. 

I forgive myself for believing I’ll never have enough money. 

I forgive myself for believing money is evil. 

I forgive others for teaching me that money is evil, money will make me happy, or I’ll never have enough money. 

I give others permission to forgive me when I judge them for the money they have or being irresponsible with money. 

I love and accept myself being happy with the money I have.  

I love and accept myself even when I’m afraid I’ll never have enough money. 

I love and accept myself even when I’m afraid if I am financially successful then someone else will fail. 

I love and accept myself even when I’m afraid money will always be a source of shame. 

I give myself permission to accept I can be happy with or without money. 

I give myself permission to accept there is enough abundance in the world for me and my loved ones.  

I give myself permission to accept I can feel worthy, calm, and content, with what I have. 

I give myself permission to accept money isn’t everything. 

Without this money stress, I am free to love and be happy and healthy in my life. 

Without this money stress, I am free to love myself more and be a better person for the people I love.  


If you are struggling with anxiety, depression, or other problems due to money stress, Open Heart Holistic Therapy can help! With the integrative holistic approach of Emotional Polarity Technique, I will teach you to let go of unhelpful patterns and beliefs about money, so that you can move forward in your life! Call 813-922-8768 or contact me online to schedule a free 30-minute conversation


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