Tons Of EPT™ Resources

You may be wondering, “What is this EPT™ thing that Paige keeps talking about?” Well, it stands for Emotional Polarity Technique™ and it is an energy healing modality developed by a Chiropractor named Dr. Annette Cargioli. I have a brief explanation here, but some people want to go deeper and learn more.

Below is a list of websites, books, podcasts, groups and more about EPT™.

If you are interested in learning to be an EPT™ Practitioner:

  1. The best place to start is by trying a session with a Certified EPT™ Professional—that’s me!

  2. Next, is to check out and see what classes are being offered.

  3. If you are ready, sign up the the EPT™ Lifeworks Soul Spa Retreat. It’s like a weekend EPT session on steroids.

What other resources are you looking for? Check out our FAQ Page or Contact us!


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