A List of Things My Dad Taught Me

  1. Ride a bike

  2. Fix a bike

  3. Fishing (fly, deep sea, taking a fish off a hook, putting a hook on a line, and cleaning a fish)

  4. Use power tools

  5. Load a dishwasher

  6. Rake

  7. Laundry

  8. Pushups

  9. A proper head lock

  10. Arm bar

  11. Birdman into a swimming pool

  12. Take care of my car

  13. Cook Italian

  14. Exercise at home

  15. Poker

  16. Chess

  17. How to deal with computers in the 90s

  18. Greet with a kiss

  19. Sarcasm

  20. Swimming in the ocean

  21. Stay in the shade (wear a hat)

  22. Bruce Lee

  23. Star Trek and Star Wars

  24. All love of sci-fi

  25. What to do in a tornado

  26. Jerry-rig anything

  27. Duct Tape

  28. Hand Stand

  29. Composting

  30. Recycling

  31. If it hurts when you do that, don't do that.

  32. Coffee is good

  33. Generosity

  34. Poetry

  35. Don't judge

  36. It's ok to be Catholic

  37. Somersault

There are probably more things, but that is a few.


Dads, You Matter Too


The Dad Who Didn’t Meet My Expectations...