I Do Not Want To Be Grateful


This Holiday Season, I am focusing on the very not surprising topic of GRATITUDE. Last week, I talked a little bit about what gratitude is and why it is important, and this week I’m focusing on gratitude in difficult situations.

Being grateful for kindness or something that you want, is easy. But maybe I’m the only one whose parents told them to, essentially, fake thanks when grandma gets you the exact gift you do not want. Then you get “present face”. 

When something hard happens, it can feel impossible to be grateful. Bitterness sets in, and we lose all sense of thankfulness. I have certain expectations for my life, and when those expectations aren’t met, how can I be grateful? I am entitled. I deserve. Or don’t deserve. Why does this have to happen to me? And round and round we go. We forget who has helped us. We forget who we are and where we come from. We believe all are against and no one is for. We are right, and everyone is wrong. 

This is extreme, but who hasn’t felt this way at some point? Asking the question, “When am I going to get mine?” Because I give and give and give. But for whatever reason those who have given and given and given to me are irrelevant now. 

Then there is an even more complicated and difficult gratitude. Gratitude toward yourself, and gratitude toward another person who you do not like or hurt you. 

It takes a lot of banked self-care and positivity to treat a hurt with gratitude. It takes a lot of regular meditation, prayer, and gratitude practice to feel peace and security and hope in a painful situation.

With EPT, forgiveness is used to let go of old beliefs that keep us stuck from being more grateful. EPT helps you bank that gratitude faster, so you can be happier, kinder, and more loving to yourself and others.

I forgive myself for believing I can only be grateful for something good. If I’m grateful I’ll be hurt. Being grateful for someone or something that hurt you is crazy. Vengeance before gratitude. 

I forgive them for hurting me. I forgive them for killing my gratitude for others. 

I give them permission to forgive me for blaming them for my lack of gratitude, entitlement, issues, needs, hurt, pain…. I give them permission to forgive me when I want them to hurt as much as me (making me just like them). 

I love and accept myself even when I’m afraid being grateful will help them. Gratitude sucks. I can’t be grateful for something I don’t want. I’ll never accept the hurt done to me. 

I give myself permission to be grateful for the healing I’ve experienced post hurt. I give myself permission to be grateful for the creativity struggle has provided me.  I give myself permission to be grateful for how I have learned to handle and heal from hurt. I give myself permission to be a light to others who have been hurt the same way.

Emotional Polarity Technique is an integrative holistic approach in emotional healthcare to help heal people’s pain and suffering. At Open Heart Holistic Therapy, our holistic therapist in Tampa will help you let go and forgive yourself for old conflicts and belief patterns that are keeping you stressed, stuck in anger, sadness, fear, low self esteem, trauma, or even physical pain and chronic illness. With EPT you will witness the power of forgiveness in just one session. Forgiving is healing. Click here to schedule a free consultation or call 813-922-8768. 

Our quality service promise to you:

It is our aim that you experience remarkable change in your life through 7 EPT™ sessions. However, if after your first EPT™session you decide this therapy is not for you, we will refund your money and part with gratitude for having the opportunity to share our service with you.

An Open and Safe Environment

Paige Cargioli accepts and respects each person, regardless of sexual orientation, race, religion, ethnicity, gender expression, socio-economic status, age or ability. She is dedicated to offering LGBTQ Affirmative Practice.

Paige strives to create an open and safe environment where people can grow and heal. EPTworks is a guided and active approach to healing that, like any therapy, may feel very emotional at times. The difference is that once all the feelings are said and done, you feel different, and very often--much much better and changed forever.

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"Easy" Gratitude


Gratitude Is Good For You