You Aren't Lazy. Ways to Reframe Your Mindset

It’s a Wednesday afternoon, and you feel tired. But it doesn’t make sense. You haven’t done anything exhausting; you haven’t even completed your workout for the day. In fact, you’ve completed far less than you planned to today. Instead of allowing yourself to rest, you chastise yourself for wanting something you ‘haven’t earned.’ You decide that you are lazy and you feel guilty the rest of the day. Sound familiar?  


What if I told you that you aren’t lazy and you don’t have to earn your right to rest? The concept of laziness is subconscious programming that makes us believe that there is more that we could be doing at work, at home, and in our relationships.  


Here are some ways to reframe your mindset about laziness so you can truly relax when you need to.  

The Productivity Problem 

We live in a reality where we are judged by our accomplishments and how much we achieve at work. Workaholics are praised for their hustle, but where does that leave you? Tired? Maybe. Burnt out. Likely. If you need a break, does that define you as lazy? Absolutely not!  

Your worth is not based on your productivity, and rest is not a reward.  

There seem to be several (often unspoken) rules that circulate in our society about rest. (Or what other people might call “laziness.”) 

These rules might include: 

  • You have to earn your rest 

  • You must demonstrate the need for rest through your productivity  

  • A nap is ok only if you are sick or completely exhausted 

  • You can relax on your allotted 2 weeks a year vacation–if you are privileged and lucky enough to have a 2-week vacation, that is!  

The lie in all of these “rules” is that relaxation is always lazy and selfish. That’s why we “reward” ourselves for all our hard work with rest on the weekends or vacation.  

Reframing Your Mindset About Laziness  


So you’re feeling tired or unmotivated and just want to get away from your desk and read a book or watch your favorite show. But these desires make you feel lazy and guilty. I get it! By trying some of the following tips, you can begin shifting or reframing your mindset to move past the guilt of taking a break.  



‘Laziness’ is a warning sign from our body and mind that something needs to change. 


Start with Self Compassion  


What would happen if you silenced your inner critic and were easier on yourself? Would you learn to be more compassionate with yourself? Or acknowledge your feelings of tiredness or your lack of motivation?  


To try self-compassion, repeat soothing statements like: 


  • I’m only human 

  • I am doing the best I can 

  • I deserve to rest 

  • I am worthy, even when I rest 

  • I need to rest for my wellbeing  

  • My family won’t think less of me if I rest  


Imagine how you would feel if you viewed laziness as your body letting you know it needs a break instead of seeing it as a character flaw or something that you need to combat. You’d feel free to take the time to rest, right?  


Dump the Guilt  


PSA: It's not at all enjoyable if you feel guilty the entire time you're unwinding! We feel guilty because we feel like we should be doing something "more" beneficial.


If you tend to overthink when relaxing and doing nothing feels hard, consider: 


  • Taking a bath  

  • Reading a book 

  • Talking to a friend or relative 

  • Working on a hobby  

  • Stopping the scroll and hiding your phone away for an afternoon  

  • Anything that isn’t working or about productivity 


Just let yourself relax.  


Rest Is Productive  


Reframe the need for rest if it seems too difficult, especially if you are an overachiever and finding time to unwind is difficult for you. Remind yourself that you need to take breaks to increase your productivity. Consider getting some rest as yet another important task on your list. Your nap, exercise, or leisurely reading time are all beneficial to your improved productivity and wellness.


By prioritizing rest, you are prioritizing your job, your family, and yourself.  


 Read that again and let it sink in!  


A rested mind and body will show up to work whether at your job or home: energized, focused, and prepared to tackle the challenges and tasks that come their way. And that leads to better productivity!  


Make Rest Non-Negotiable  


No matter how hard you work, remember that you deserve to relax. It is not a competition, and it is not dependent on how productive you are on any particular day. Do not think of rest as your reward for a job well done; rather, consider it a need!

Rest must be consistently incorporated into your life. It doesn’t make you lazy. It means you are human.

You Aren’t Lazy  


No matter how hard you work, taking time to rest doesn’t make you lazy. So the next time you feel guilty or are beating yourself up for taking time to rest, remind yourself that you are giving your body and mind time to heal and recuperate.  


Think of rest as the medicine that your body needs to be creative, productive, and energized. Most importantly, be kind to yourself. You deserve it.  


If a racing mind won’t let you rest, EPT can help! I can help you reframe your mindset around rest and help you forgive yourself when things don’t go as planned. Learn to forgive and move forward with me, Paige Cargioli! Schedule a consultation today.  


P.S. Check out my Instagram Reels and TikTok to see more ways to be kinder to yourself!  


6 Ways to Make Forgiveness a Part of Your Life


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