CBT AND EPT: Getting to Core Beliefs

If you don't know, now you know: CBT is like THE thing in evidence based psychotherapy. It stands for Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, and basically it goes like this: Your thoughts control your feelings control your behaviors... Control your thoughts, control your feels control your behaviors. If you can catch your thought before an adult tantrum, depression, panic attack, murder (behavior), change or reframe your thought, then it will prevent negative patterns and behaviors.

This takes a lot of practice and a lot of time. You'll wonder, "Where did these thoughts originate? Have I been thinking these thoughts my whole life? Is change even really possible? Can I change what I believe is my fundamental genetic personality?" And depending on you, you'll just ignore those questions in attempt to stay grounded in the present moment, or they may naw at you incessantly, or both. CBT is pretty basic psych 101. It requires the client to stay present focused, do a lot of homework, and the therapist is like a guide, teacher, and accountability buddy.

As long as the therapist and the client believe in the work they are doing, and have good rapport, then the therapy will probably help the client make positive strides forward (this is also true for any therapeutic modality...). A good therapist will probably also help you to anticipate "bumps in the road" that make you revert back to old patterns, but sometimes there are things that can't be anticipated and can really bring you down back into your primal brain: death, illness, affair, lost job, accident.These are real events that illicit real emotions that need to be felt and dealt with.

EPT helps the client discover the root and origin of their core beliefs and uses forgiveness to let go of the negative thought, and acceptance to bring in a readiness for new patterns and behaviors. EPT helps to guide the client through real feelings and events, so that they don't remain stuck in a negative pattern. It's like high speed CBT.

In EPT there is less talking, less questioning, and more action. For example, if a client has experienced an injury or accident that sets them back in their growth and healing. There is going to be grief that needs to be felt. There might be anger that needs to be felt. And these raw emotions need to be experienced before a helpful reframe is possible. The letting go of feelings, acceptance, and reframe take place simultaneously in EPT. The person acknowledges their emotions and lets them go because they are no longer serving them in their healing.

I forgive myself for believing I need to stay angry because of what happened to me. I forgive others making me angry in this situation. I give others permission to forgive me when I blame them for my anger. Without this pattern of holding on to anger because of what happened to me, I am free to be loving, forgiving, and happy now and continuously.

EPT doesn't just use a replacement behavior, but actively lets go of the negative belief and inserts a positive belief.Make your appointment today, and experience the healing power of forgiveness.

Our quality service promise to you:

It is our aim that you experience remarkable change in your life through 7 EPT™ sessions. However, if after your first EPT™session you decide this therapy is not for you, we will refund your money and part with gratitude for having the opportunity to share our service with you.

An Open and Safe Environment

Paige Cargioli accepts and respects each person, regardless of sexual orientation, race, religion, ethnicity, gender expression, socio-economic status, age or ability. She is dedicated to offering LGBTQ Affirmative Practice.

Paige strives to create an open and safe environment where people can grow and heal. EPTworks is a guided and active approach to healing that, like any therapy, may feel very emotional at times. The difference is that once all the feelings are said and done, you feel different, and very often--much much better and changed forever.

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Emotional Healthcare for Kids and Families
